Saturday, February 19, 2011

My little gifts from GOD!

I am so blessed to have a great daughter and a little boy on the way! I have bought him one sleeper and a cowboy sign. Adalyn has gotten about 5 new outfits that I got her. She has been mimicing me for the past week and its adorable. She started saying BUBBA and SISTER, and can almost say TRICIA! She is very smart. I love my life and my kids. I took Adalyn to the park the other day with her cousin Khayden... I cant believe that she is already 13 months and Wednesday I get to hear my little Christian's heartbeat... I bought some flannel material to make a recieving blanket and burp rags with but Walmart was out of the sewing machine I wanted, I guess I will try to make them another time. I am meeting up with the kids' Granny and aunt Rachel at Cheesecake Factory. Have a great night...

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Hello all it has been months since I have been blogging... Alot has happened in these months. First my daughters father and I worked things out and got engaged then began planning our wedding. i am recently single again... My sweet Adalyn is almost 13 months old, I cannot believe how fast she is growing. I am expecting a baby boy on July 20. His name will be Christian! I am very blessed to still have the support of my family. Adalyn started walking on her own the week of Christmas and it has been fun but she is always into stuff. Christmas and her birthday she got so many toys that I still have no clue what to do with them all! She is adored by many and I am very blessed that God gave her to us. I cannot imagine my life without her. My bestfriend and her husband are expecting their first child they are about 6 weeks along now. I have three other friends that are exoecting as well, two of them with their second babies and both are getting the opposite as they already have, and my other friend is expecting her first and bless her she is high risk and she is almost 20 yrs old. My friend Stacy is due 2mths before me, Caitlin is due a month before me, and Brittany is due a month after me! I am very blessed to have my family and friends behind me and my kiddos!! I will blog later!