Friday, June 3, 2011

Why does it always happen?

Two days of crying has not done any good to my health. I have no clue why I let him get to me but him keeping my daughter from me and my family is beyond rude. I go out of my way to make sure his family sees her but when mine comes in town and I let him know three weeks ago and he says "thats fine i will bring her to the shower" now he wants to say "oh we have plans.'' whatever its crap I bring your daughter around you and your family all the time. You keep saying you do all this stuff for me but you havent. You broke my heart, havent helped or been involved with our pregnancy until last month and expect me to give you the world. I have helped you out so many times yet I ask to have her for 2 hours and you cannot spare that so our daughter can be at her brothers baby shower. Real good. You are trying to get back at me cause I might name our son something you are not happy about and that I wont give our daughters playhouse to you. I am sorry but she lives here and it will stay with her it was a gift to her.... I have helped you with taking her to your family events, taken her back early when you were suppose to have her so you could sleep, agreed for you to only get her for two days because you had things to do and when you decided to go hunting at the last minute, and when you got off work early in the morning I kept her so you could sleep and when you were sick... So I am sorry I havent helped I guess but it sure looks like I have helped quite a bit. Dont expect to get stuff handed to you, I dont run to have people watch her when I am sick or need sleep I deal with it cause that is what you do when you are a parent. All I ask is for her to stay on her sleep schedule but from getting off the phone with you I guess thats not possible either, so THANKS alot. I dont think fishing has anything to do with her bedtime routine... I am so fed up with being treated like a welcome mat to your life. You agree to help put our sons dresser together and then want to start an argument with me over stuff we had discussed the night before and get mad and leave. Then you want to completely put me down like I am some piece of crap that you can say or treat any kind of way. I am sorry but I really dont think your parents raised you to treat women that way especially not the mother of your two children. I am beyond pissed and hurt. I have never put you down to make you feel like crap. I have been screwed by you too many times and do not understand why I hold out some hope for you. Really do not know what I am going to do now. I show you respect and try to be civil even when I am pissed at you. I have been and taken so much crap this break-up and pregnancy that I cannot wait to move away to get away from it all. I am so exhausted of it all and do not see how anyone can treat someone so wrong. I am tired of crying but its all you seem to make me do anymore... I really do not think I can be around you too much longer if you continue to treat me wrong. Never thought I fell in love with someone that would turn into this or make me question myself and my actions. I have shed so many tears over you that I could flood Oklahoma.....

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